Haringey Independent Cinema
West Green Learning Centre, Park View Academy, West Green Road, Tottenham
£3 waged / £2 low and unwaged. www.haringey.org.uk/hic
27th April: Salt of the Earth
This remarkable film, based on the true story of a New Mexico zinc miners strike, is a landmark in the history of American cinema. Salt of the Earth was made at the height of the Hollywood anti-communist witch-hunts by the Independent Production Corporation, a small film company set up by a group of filmmakers unable to find work because they were on the blacklist.
Made on location in Bayard New Mexico, using miners and their families in the principal roles, it tells the story of a strike of Mexican-American and Anglo miners against the Empire Zinc Corporation's use of racist 'dual wage rates', which gave higer pay to white workers, and the policy of using only Mexican Americans for dangerous underground work.
The screening will be accompanied by a short talk about the difficult conditions under which the film was produced, shot and distributed.
25th May: Riff Raff by Ken Loach
1991 film set on a building site in Tottenham, where workers are building flash houses for yuppies.
29th June: Dr Strangelove by Stanley Kubrick
Superb satire on the arms race made in 1964 by one of the world's great directors.
Haringey Independent Cinema is supported by the Haringey Solidarity Group, Haringey Trades Union Council and Woodlands Park Residents Association