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6 billion ways
28th February 2023 , Rich Mix, 35-47 Bethnal Green Road, London E1. Discussions, films etc on climate change, the food and financial crises and global justice.

Financial Fossil Fools Day
1st April, European Climate Exchange, 62 Bishopsgate, EC2. Stop carbon markets; because nature doesn't do bailouts.

European protest against NATO
4th & 5th April 2023 , in Strasbourg. International demonstration and counter-summit; Noam Chomsky to speak, amongst others.

Life after Capitalism?

A conversation with Michael Albert.

5pm, Saturday 10th July 2004
Room H216, London School of Economics, Houghton Street, London EC1.

ZNet founder and leading radical commentator Michael Albert will be in London this July to talk about Participatory Economics (or ParEcon), a way of organising work and society that seeks to overcome exploitation and provide people with balanced, fulfilling lives which they control democratically.

The meeting is organised by the Radical Activist Network, in association with radical publisher Verso. We aim, in the spirit of the subject, to make the meeting a genuine exploration of ParEcon and the possibility of life after capitalism which is free of agendas, and where what we take away from the meeting has not been determined in advance by the organisers. No ‘speaker’s slips’ or sloganising, just activists getting together to inform each other and work out ways to build effective struggles against the system.

Verso will be selling Michael Albert’s latest book, 'ParEcon; Life after Capitalism', at a reduced rate at the event.

To find out more about ParEcon, you can visit >>ZNet<< or the >>ParEcon website<<.

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